• Please call Rice Elementary Office for more information


    The following Documentation must be presented on the day of Registration:

    • Birth Certificate/Proof of age (5 yrs. Of age on or before Sept. 1st
    • Immunization Records.
    • Proof of Residency 3 different Items from the list below:
    • Deed to home
    • Agreement of sale
    • Lease containing your name and verified by building owner
    • Real estate tax receipt
    • Valid PA Department of Transportation license or identification with current address within Crestwood School District
    • W-2 statement/IRS statement or tax return
    • Homeowner’s /tenant’s insurance statement
    • Copy of state/federal program enrollment
    • Voter registration card noting township or borough
    • Current utility bill (gas electric, water, sewer or verification of service start date)
    • Check stub from employer showing wages, public assistance, or social security
    • Builders contract


    In accordance with District Policy, in Cases where the legal guardian is not the lessee or homeowner, but is residing with someone who is, submit the above documents along with the notarized affidavit. (Available upon request from the office).


    The Registration process involves vision screening, readiness screening and various paperwork stations, so kindergarten child needs to attend along with a parent or guardian. Please plan for at least an hour to move through the registration, peak times may take longer. It is advisable to park in the large lots to the side of the building, parking spaces up front may be blocked by bus traffic.


    Please call Rice Elementary Office for more information