For Parents
- Printable School Calendar
- Chromebook Help
- CSD American Rescue Plan and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) Fund
- District Enrollment Forms
- Free and Reduced Meal Information
- Public Notice of Special Education Services
- Skyward Parent Access
- Student Accident Insurance Brochure
- Teen Suicide Prevention
- Title I Information
To report an issue with your Chromebook
Click the link at the bottom to view the form. You can find the button to save the form either in the upper right-hand corner or in the three dots submenu.
To electronically fill this form:
1. Open the document in Adobe Reader. If it's not installed on your computer, you can go here to install it: Adobe Acrobat Reader (Link Disabled at the request of the Office for Civil Rights)
2. Use Adobe Fill and Sign to fill out the form. Fields will be highlighted automatically as you hover your mouse over them. More Information (Link Disabled at the request of the Office for Civil Rights)
Crestwood School District Chromebook Trouble Form
You may also print the form and complete it by hand. Please print as neatly as you can. If you're unable to download or print the form, copies are available at the Crestwood Secondary Campus which can be furnished upon request.
Drop-Off and Pickup Information
Current hours to drop off or pick up a repaired chromebook are as follows
Monday - Friday: 7:00am - 3:00pm
Bring your completed form along with the Chromebook and Charger to the Crestwood Secondary Campus. When the Chromebook is repaired or a replacement (if applicable) is made available, you will be contacted via your preferred method as indicated on the trouble form.
Damaged Chromebook Information
You may be issued the following form if your Chromebook comes back damaged. You may either have the Chromebook repaired at a third party of your choice or have us repair or replace the Chromebook subject to the fee schedule in the posted document.